No. 253901

¥52,030 ($338.20)

Cotton 100%
カラー展開 black off-white
サンプルサイズ 48
着丈72c 肩幅43c バスト開き112c ウエスト閉じ104c裾開き116c 袖丈67.5c



*Payments will be paid in Japanese yen. The price in the foreign currency is a rough estimate.

*Tax included.

*Shipping fee is not included.More information

Shipping method / fee

The shipping fees and delivery method/s for this product are as follows.

  • 佐川急便

    Shipping Fees are the same all over country inside Japan ¥1,500 ($9.75)

The shipping fees and delivery method/s for this product are as follows.

  • EMS

    This shipping supports package tracking and compensation for damages.

    Shipping Fees are the same in all countries outside Japan ¥9,100 ($59.15)

*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.

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